TaC-coated Graphite EVEREDKOTE™-B

everedkote.t.jpgEVEREDKOTE™-B is a high-purity isotropic graphite substrate covered with dense tantalum carbide via CVD.

EVEREDKOTE™-B is the name of a product consisting of a specially developed high-purity isotropic graphite substrate coated with a dense tantalum carbide film via a proprietary chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. It has the following characteristics:
- Tantalum carbide film is stable at high temperatures and provides excellent thermal durability.
- Excellent thermal shock resistance to withstand rapid heating and cooling.
- Low reactivity with etching gases.
- Coating film provides excellent density, ensuring extremely low gas permeability.
- Both graphite substrate and tantalum carbide film are high purity.


EVEREDKOTE™-B Surface and SEM cross-section image

everkote surface and SEM cross-section image

Reactivity with ammonium

everkote Reactivity with ammonium




Impurity analysis example mass ppm

Element Content
B < 0.01
N < 5
Na < 0.01
Mg < 0.05
Al < 0.01
Si  0.14
P <0.3
S <0.02
Cl -0.3wt%
Ca < 0.05
Ti < 0.005
V < 0.005
Cr < 0.1
Mn < 0.005
Fe  0.42
Co < 0.01
Ni 0.06
Cu <0.05
Zn < 0.05
As < 10
Nb 1.1
Mo 1.6

※1 < :Detection limit  *2 The figures above are measurement examples and are not to be guaranteed.


  • Heat resistant materials
  • Corrosion resistant materials
  • Low emissivity
  • Thermal shock resistance
  • Density