Respect for Human Rights

The Toyo Tanso Group established Toyo Tanso Group Human Rights Policy to help clarify the Group's stance and initiatives on human rights.
We understand the impact that corporate activities can have on human rights. As such, we remain dedicated to fulfilling our responsibility to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in Toyo Tanso Group's business activities.

Human Rights Policy

Toyo Tanso Group Human Rights Policy

Our fundamental philosophy of "Contribute to the world through the pursuit of the possibilities inherent in carbon (C)" is in itself a contribution to the advancement of a sustainable society. Under this philosophy we carry out numerous initiatives, which include supporting the SDGs through our products and business activities, aimed at resolving social issues.

Our initiatives are aimed at realizing a society that provides a safe and enriching lifestyle to people around the world. Indispensable to these initiatives is a respect for human rights.

With a sincere understanding of the impacts that the Toyo Tanso Group's business activities have on human rights, we make it our social mission to deal appropriately with these impacts. The Toyo Tanso Group Human Rights Policy was created as the ultimate guidelines towards fulfilling this mission.

Acting on this policy, we seek to work with our stakeholders to make society even more sustainable.

Scope of Application

The Toyo Tanso Group Human Rights Policy applies to all Group-wide officers and employees. We also ensure that the policy is thoroughly understood and adhered to by all business partners whose work is related to our products and services.

Adherence to Human Rights Laws and International Norms

The Toyo Tanso Group conducts its human rights initiatives based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and in support of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and other guiding principles.
The Toyo Tanso Group also abides by human rights laws in the countries and regions where it does business. In countries and regions where local laws differ from internationally accepted norms on human rights, the Group follows the higher standard, and where they conflict, it does its utmost to abide by internationally accepted human rights.

Commitment to Human Rights Issues

  • 1.   Prohibit discrimination
    We do not discriminate based on race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, religion, ideology, or beliefs, or for any reason similar to these.
  • 2.   Prohibit harassment
    We do not harm anyone's dignity through actions such as abuse of power or sexual harassment.
  • 3.   Prohibit child labor, forced labor, etc.
    We do not accept the use of child labor, forced labor, or other unjust labor practices in relation to any business activities.
  • 4.   Build and maintain amicable labor-management relations
    We build and maintain amicable labor-management relations through respect for fundamental employee rights such as freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
  • 5.   Ensure workplace safety and health
    With safety and health as top priorities in the workplace, we abide by laws in each country and region covering occupational safety and health to create an environment geared to preventing accidents and disaster.

Education and Awareness

In order for this human rights policy to be thoroughly understood and effectively carried out, the Toyo Tanso Group conducts education and training for all officers and employees, and promotes understanding of the policy among all business partners.

Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Toyo Tanso Group has built human rights due diligence mechanisms. Through these, we strive to spot negative impacts on individuals' rights, or risks of such, and then prevent or alleviate these.

Dialogue, Consultation

In implementing its human rights policy, the Toyo Tanso Group enlists the knowledge and advice of independent, outside experts in order to better conduct dialogue and consultation with stakeholders who have been negatively impacted in some way by the Group's business activities.

Correction, Redress

If the Toyo Tanso Group becomes aware that something in its business activities has caused or furthered infringement on someone's human rights, it will correct or redress the matter through proper methods and procedures.

Grievance Mechanisms

The Toyo Tanso Group strives to build and operate grievance mechanisms so that officers, employees, family members, and business partners with human rights infringement complaints can receive the necessary consultation and have their issues resolved.

Information Disclosure

The Toyo Tanso Group discloses information on its human rights policy through media such as its website and its integrated report.

This human rights policy has been authorized by the Board of Directors of the Toyo Tanso Group.

Naotaka Kondo
Representative Director
Chairman & President, CEO
Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd.
Formulated on May 24, 2023

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