Material Issues (materialities)

Identification of material issues

At Toyo Tanso, the Sustainability Promotion Committee examined material sustainability issues and reported the results to the Board of Directors. In December 2021, the Board of Directors approved the list of issues. We will increase our sustainability by accelerating our efforts to address the material issues, and will contribute more and more to society and the environment.

How the material issues were selected

 To identify material issues, we investigated our relationships with society and the environment along our value chain, and then identified sustainability issues, referring to issues addressed in global efforts, such as GRI, SASB, and SDGs, as well as issues listed in relevant guidelines.
 After that, we evaluated the identified issues in terms of the impact our company can have on society and the environment, and the impact society and the environment can have on our company, with regard to each issue, and then selected the ones that were evaluated to be very important for either of the two cases as material issues. These material issues were reviewed by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and then, in December 2021, they were reported to and approved by the Board of Directors.
  We will review the material issues every year in order to promote conversation with our stakeholders, as well as to respond to changing management environments and social situations.

How the material issues were selected

Overview of the material issues

 The Toyo Tanso Group's material issues are composed of 4 social problem categories and 14 key items that the group should work on as a global material manufacturer.
 In particular, products developed, manufactured and sold based on social and customer needs in electronics (e.g., semiconductors), mobility, life science, clean energy, etc. are likely to contribute enormously to the realization of a sustainable society.

Matrix analysis of material issues

Matrix analysis

Material issue categories and SDGs

Category Material Issue SDGs
Contribution to reducing climate change risk and environmental protection Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including through energy savings and creation sdgs13
Contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through products sdgs07
Complying with various countries' environmental laws and regulations and reducing environmental impacts sdgs12
Using earth-friendly raw materials and avoiding procurement risk sdgs09 sdgs12
Category Material Issue SDGs
Pursuing product development and manufacturing technologies to resolve social issues and customer needs Developing products and improving manufacturing processes to help realize a recycling-based society sdgs09 sdgs12
Complying with increasingly sophisticated quality requirements sdgs12
Developing new products and improving services in partnership with stakeholders sdgs09 sdgs17
Category Material Issue SDGs
Creating safe, secure workplace environments where all employees can flourish Improving safe, healthy workplace environments and increasing productivity sdgs03 sdgs08
Ensuring all stakeholders' human rights are respected sdgs04 sdgs05 sdgs08
Offering human resources development, training, and education programs sdgs04
Respecting workforce diversity sdgs04 sdgs05 sdgs10
Category Material Issue SDGs
Undertaking corporate activities that inspire trust Ensuring compliance sdgs16
Strengthening crisis management capabilities sdgs09
Undertaking community service activities sdgs04 sdgs11 sdgs14 sdgs17

FY2030 Materiality Targets

We are studying KPIs and targets, and we will continue to disclose these as well.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including through energy savings and creation

Greenhouse gas emissions per unit of sales (Scope1, Scope2 ) 30% reduction compared to FY2019 (Non-consolidated)

Contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through products

Ratio of sales of environmentally friendly products 35% (Consolidated)

Definition of "environmentally friendly products"
Environmentally friendly products are products that are related to the areas of energy savings, energy creation, and electrification, as described below. For some products and applications that are used in multiple end markets, we've set constituent sales percentages corresponding to the following environmental contribution areas for each application based on a range of statistical information and then multiplied those percentages by each product or application's net sales to calculate the above values.

  • Energy savings: Products for use with power semiconductors (Si semiconductor and SiC semiconductor manufacturing materials, etc.) and LEDs (compound semiconductor manufacturing materials); industrial furnaces (C/C composite products)
  • Energy creation: Products for use in wind power, hydropower, geothermal power, solar power, nuclear power, and fusion power
  • Electrification: Pump parts for use in electric vehicles, products for use in fuel cells (Catalyst-supported CNovel ® )
Complying with various countries' environmental laws and regulations and reducing environmental impacts

Numbers of environmental laws and regulations violations (0) (Non-consolidated)

Complying with increasingly sophisticated quality requirements

Numbers of serious complaints (0) (Consolidated)

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