Efforts to address climate change risks

We recognize that climate change is a serious issue that will affect society in the future.
All of our employees strive to raise awareness of environmental maintenance by working to improve the efficiency and reduce energy use in manufacturing processes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as CO₂.
In addition, based on the basic concept of ISO14001, an international standard for environmental management, we comply with various environmental laws and regulations in each country, and thoroughly engage in resource conservation activities and management of environmental pollutants by reducing industrial waste.

Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

As global efforts to address the problem of climate change are accelerating, Toyo Tanso will further reinforce and accelerate its programs for greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to become carbon neutral in 2050.
Regarding Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3, we are now carrying out calculations that conform to GHG protocols.

Primary past efforts
  • 1.Introduction of energy-saving equipment
  • 2.Introduction of energy sources with low CO₂ emission coefficients
  • 3.Changing to baking furnaces with low energy consumption rates
  • 4.Optimizing furnace operating times
  • 5.Optimizing furnace loading efficiency
Future plan
  • 1.Changing to renewable energy
  • 2.Increasing solar power generation
  • 3.Introduction of energy-saving equipment
  • 4.Introduction of electric vehicles
  • 5.Reducing energy consumption in manufacturing

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